RTSC Team Rep: Lauren Rae [email protected]
RTSC Head Coach: Patrick Hay [email protected]
9:15AM Timers, Place Judges, and Officials meeting at the flagpole/shed area
The Top 2 Finishers from each Division Championship (July 27)
We would like all Seniors to gather around the pool at 9:25AM prior to the first event for Senior Recognition.
Please be advised that additional parking is available at Amosland Elementary School, the grassy area along the fields next to the pool and the municipal field parking lot on the other side of 420. There will be volunteer parking attendants in bright green shirts. Please comply with their directions. Do not park in the Delco Steaks or Frontier Saloon parking lots. They will have your car towed. See map here.
Bleachers are available for spectator seating. In addition, RTSC has ample chairs and tables around the grounds for seating. If you would like to bring your own chair, you’re a welcome to do so. If you have a spectator with special seating needs, please make us aware it and we will make appropriate accommodations.
Each club will have an assigned area around the pool grounds. Team areas will be designated with a lawn sign. Swimmers are encouraged to stay with their team and cheer on their teammates.
The ready bench will be located on grassy area behind the starting blocks. Swimmers will move down to the deck area as their event draws closer. Please have your swimmer to the ready bench area at least 3 events prior to swimming.